Where toys gather...
Photos, videos, and text of my Toy Collections, currently consisting of the following properties: Kamen Rider, Gundam, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, GI Joe, Transformers and related Third Party Items, and more.
Herra Serpenspire
Faction: Convocation of Bassylia
Released in the Advent of Decay wave.
As the high priestess and arch-mage of the Convocation of Bassylia, Herra Serpenspire is as enigmatic as the faction she leads. A guild dedicated to suppressing the Circle of Poxxus, the Convocation's powerful and ancient magic is mysterious and frightening to both good and evil alike. Despite Herra's stoic demeanor and intimidating presence, her compassion and empathy form the foundation her faction is built upon. Possessed of mystical powers that are possibly greater than those of any other living being, Herra Serpenspire is one of the most powerful allies in the fight against evil.