Where toys gather...
Photos, videos, and text of my Toy Collections, currently consisting of the following properties: Kamen Rider, Gundam, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, GI Joe, Transformers and related Third Party Items, and more.
What Did I Get Now? - Oct 2020
Mar 1, 2021
It will be my birthday!
Apparently I like bold, contrasting colors, when taking pictures. This was from a walrus cave somewhere on the Northern California coast.
I got the new SHF Ankh months ago, and just opened it and TaToBa, which I've had for like a year at this point, so a few pics.
The Mezco Exclusive version of Batman Supreme Knight arrived, capping Mezco's trilogy of Batman figures, which represents him at the beginning, the middle, and the end of his Batman career. These were released in a variety of color schemes, black and grey, blue and grey, and my personal favorite, the all black looks, which I took care to acquire, as they were exclusively available through Mezco's web site, not through general retailers. Absolutely worth it, in my opinion.
I was able to pick up the last two members of the MMC Occular Max Assaultus (Bruticus) team, Probus (Brawl) and Volatus (Blast Off), so now i have two complete sets of 3rd Party Combaticons. Both have their plusses and minuses, and honestly, if I had to choose to keep just one of them, it would vary from day to day which I would prefer to keep. The Zeta set is cheaper, and also larger, and in combined mode more poseable and (after the stickers) looks really great. The MMC set is better as individual toys, and still quite nice and detailed as combined mode, but smaller, and would be worth more if I had to sell. So my current plan is to keep and display both, probalby Zeta as Bruticus, and MMC as the individual Combaticons.
the Hasbro Pulse Exclusive Snake Supreme Cobra Commander figure was released, and it looks awesome, and has some great packaging. As of this writing (March 2021) I haven't opened it beyond these pics yet.
For my birthday, my mom gave me an old Monopoly set, that I think she said is one they bought when they were much younger (but it's already been so long I don't remember where or when exactly she said they got it). They also agreed to play one full game with me, because they know how much I love playing Monopoly (and almost nobody else does).
I had kinda hoped the age of the set would make it somewhat valuable, it's dated from the mid 1930, but I think it was the version printed until at least the late 1950's, but it's actually extermely common and cheap to find on eBay, and that's okay. It was nice that she had this set for a while and wanted to give to me, and I think it's a pretty neat set too. The properties and values are all still the same as now, but the pieces in particular are neat.
My wife and girls got me Star Wars Monopoly The Mandalorian edition, which looks like a game frozen in carbonite, and books for Black Panther and Ant-Man and The Wasp.
I got some Star Wars figures: the Walmart Exclusive Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano and Mandalorian Super Commando, (some day I will finish watching The Clone Wars and know what all this means), the Hasbro Pulse Exclusive version of The Armorer, and The Mandalorian Beskar Armor version.
I got a Star Wars facts book by Pablo Hidalgo, of whom I am a big fan, and the kids role play version of The Dark Saber, which I carried arround with me on Halloween.
And that's October. I sold quite a few items that have been in my collection for many, many years, and I spent some time doing a photographic comparison of the two Combaticons sets I have, both of which I intend to turn into posts here in the near future, so until next time, watch this space.
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