Wave 15: War of the Aetherblade

Haves: 0
On Order: 0
Needs: 0
Maybes: 0
Never: 0

6 Figures

These figures were sold as part of the crowdfunding campaigns for the Mythic Legions Tactics video game.

6 figures were offered as part of the rewards for supporting the game, across several different fundraising campaigns and preorders on Store Horsemen.

The first preorder was a private crowdfunding campaign on forgehorsemen.com and ran in Jan and Feb 2021. Offered were the four Deluxe Legion Builder figures, each of which consists of a complete figure, with alternate torso, alternate armor pieces, several weapons/accessories, and five heads - one of which is availalbe exclusively to those backing this private campaign.

The second preorder was a public Kickstarter campaign which ran in Aug 2021, included the four deluxe legion builders (minus the exclusive heads), and added a 2 pack of new updated versions of Gorgo Aetherblade and Attila Leossyr.

  • Attila Leossyr 2
  • Deluxe Female Elf Legion Builder
  • Deluxe Male Elf Legion Builder
  • Gorgo Aetherblade 2
  • Deluxe Female Orc Legion Builder
  • Deluxe Male Orc Legion Builder

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