Where toys gather...
Photos, videos, and text of my Toy Collections, currently consisting of the following properties: Kamen Rider, Gundam, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, GI Joe, Transformers and related Third Party Items, and more.
Wave 1: Mythic Legions 1.0
On Order: 0
Needs: 0
Maybes: 0
Never: 0
34 Figures + Extras
The first Kickstarter wave. The Kickstarted was open Feb 2015 and the figures were released May 2016.
There were 34 figures, 5 weapons sets, and a set of banners.
I felt I didn't have enough money to back it directly, so I piggy-backed on a friend's backing, and due to limited funds, made the poor choice to cut a couple of figures that I really really wanted, which have become ridiculously expensive on the aftermarket. Specifically, Clavian, Tibius, Gold Skeleton, and Urzokk. At least Tibius finally made it into an All-Stars wave.
- Asterionn
- Attila Leossyr
- Attlus the Conqueror
- Azhar
- Barbarian
- Bog Goblin
- Bothar Shadowhorn
- Carpathias
- Clavian
- Bronze Dwarf
- Silver Dwarf
- Sir Galeron
- Sir Gideon Heavensbrand
- Gorgo Aetherblade
- Sir Ignatius
- Jorund Runeshaper
- Gold Knight
- Silver Knight
- Malleus
- Orc Legion Builder
- Orn Steelhide
- Otho
- Sir Owain
- Skapular the Cryptbreaker
- Skeleton Legion Builder
- Gold Skeleton Legion Builder
- Thord Ironjaw
- Tibius
- Urkku
- Urzokk
- Sir Valgard
- Vitus
- Vorgus Vermillius
- Zazhar
- Evil Weapons
- Heroic Weapons
- Weapons Pack 1
- Weapons Pack 2
- Weapons Pack 3
- Faction Banners