Where toys gather...
Photos, videos, and text of my Toy Collections, currently consisting of the following properties: Kamen Rider, Gundam, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, GI Joe, Transformers and related Third Party Items, and more.
Wave 19: Poxxus
Haves: 0
On Order: 0
Needs: 0
Maybes: 0
Never: 0
On Order: 0
Needs: 0
Maybes: 0
Never: 0
10 Figures + Extras
Available for preorder Nov/Dec 2021.
There are 10 figures, including an all new Draconic-race figure, a weapons pack, a hands pack, and two all new magic effects sets.
- Aracagorr
- Arrizak
- Azahazzar
- Kalizirr
- Phlogeus
- poxxus
- Samir Scrollwarder
- Tharnog
- Thraice Wraithhailer
- Zende Amaanthyr
- Evil Magic Effects
- Heroic Magic Effects
- Weapons Pack
- Hands Pack